Virtual Event Ideas For Remote Work Companies

February 17, 2022

Virtual Event Ideas For Remote Work Companies

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

Yes, we all have heard that proverb, and it is true. Focusing on the work only and not taking time for your fun makes life boring. It sucks the life out of you, and you are not creative anymore. Remote work might limit your social and fun contact with your co-workers.

Building a positive work culture for remote employees is necessary. On the one hand, remote work is booming and growing by leaps and bounds, while on the other, many companies are in dire need of opting for some engaging online ways to build their teams. Although remote work became common almost two years ago, many companies still suffer from team communication gaps.

Companies are looking for ways to break the ice among team individuals and create a welcoming and listening environment for every team member. Companies are using different online software and communication tools to conduct interviews, meetings, and training. But, still, there is a lack of communication.

Such circumstances require special activities and events that bring teams closer to each other and improve collaboration. Continue reading to learn more about the interesting activities and events you can conduct for your remote employees.

Learn With Lunch

‘Learn with lunch’ or ‘lunch and learn’ is an interactive session that you can do with your remote team during lunch hours. Most of the time, most remote workers take breaks, have their lunch or not, and then resume work. This can be boring for many people.

In this session, you can choose a topic of choice to discuss while having lunch at your workstation. The topic can be anything. It can be related to work or people’s favorite movies to watch or more. Attendance can be made optional for it, and everyone is free to choose whether they want to be a part of the activity or not.

Online Games

Many companies are now conducting interactive sessions using online games. These multiplayer games can be a part of office engaging activities and help break the ice between employees. These games are fully hosted and include icebreakers, trivia, and mini competitions. It can be fun to participate in such games and share results. Those who win can be awarded a ‘Player of the day’ in the company’s common communication platform, just for funsies.

Create Social Media Groups

Social media groups are easy and great to participate in. The company’s HR can create a channel in the communication group to share meme posts and conduct other activities online. You can conduct throwback Thursdays where everyone has to share their old photos with their co-workers. You can also tag each other under the Avengers, Disney characters, the Simpsons cast, or others. Or, you can ask everyone to share drool-worthy lunch or meal photos and get to know about each other’s cuisine choices.

Have A Pet Event

This option is a great one for all the pet lovers out there. We don’t get enough time to spend with our pets when working in an office. However, you can spend time with them in remote work and introduce them to your co-workers. This way, everyone will get to know each other’s furry friends and create a more engaging relationship amongst those with pets.


Introducing your team to each other can help them overcome communication barriers. Overcoming such barriers is necessary to make a more collaborative environment for everyone. Things are well-discussed before continuing them, and confusion is eliminated. Moreover, the hesitation to talk to new people and socialize is also reduced.

About Worktually

Worktually helps you hire the right employees for your company. Partnering with us will help you smoothen out the tedious process of posting job ads to hire a candidate. Hire remote workers, virtual assistants, customer support representatives, and sales representatives based on your business needs. Contact us today for more information about our services.

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