How Does Working From Home Benefit Employers?

June 26, 2020

How Does Working From Home Benefit Employers?

When we talk about the benefits of remote work, we tend to think about how convenient and beneficial it is for the employees, but can we equate these advantages with the employers, as well?

Previously, companies would express their concerns about remote working as they feared it would reduce productivity due to lack of supervision and communication. However, with the recent outbreak of COVID-19 many businesses worldwide are forced to restructure their workforce, and it is this restructuring that has helped companies realize the viability and potential of remote work.

Let us find out in this post what amazing advantages remote working has in store for the employers.

Increased Productivity

Studies after studies have shown that workers working in a relaxed environment at the comfort of their house, void of distractions, are way more productive than their in-office counterparts. One reason for this may be that office spaces are small and crowded and can significantly reduce employees’ creativity making them less productive. Additionally, 24-hour surveillance and supervision in the office can make the employees feel less of themselves, making them unable to fully express their potential.

For employees to show their maximum potential, it is essential to provide them with a little bit of freedom and space to grow, and one way to do that is by allowing them to work remotely in the comfort of their own home.

Less Commuting Leads To Less Absenteeism

Absenteeism due to commuting is a big problem in offices and workplaces for both employers and employees. Many employees report that commuting to offices can lower their morale for the day as commuting time and delays due to bad traffic can make them tired and upset.

On the contrary, remote workers start their work early and take fewer leaves as they have much time to spare at home. Furthermore, since they don’t have to rush for the bus daily in the morning and at the end of the day, they are more satisfied and might even spend extra time to finish off work.

No Office Expense

Office spaces in Canada and the United States can be pricey; either you plan to rent or buy one. But this is not the only expense you as an employer have to worry about; you also need to take into account monthly electricity and water bills, gas bills in the winter, and WiFi charges along with one-time expenditure on the furniture and equipment. Some of these expenses can leave the employer overwhelmed, but by making remote working an option for your employees, you can prevent skyrocketing costs on office expenses.

Talent Pool

Hiring remote workers means the company can select ‘the best of the best’ from anywhere around the world. The talent pool is much broader, and companies can have creative and amazing people to work for them irrespective of their nation or culture. Whereas, in-office positions minimize the talent pool, requiring employees to be in a particular location or time zone.

Positive Brand Image

It’s always good to be seen as a business that cares about the employees and the environment, as work from home can make your company more eco-friendly. Furthermore, by creating a productive engaged remote workforce, you’re letting your competitors and the world know that your organization is strong enough to handle this new business trend.

Caring for your employees and the gratitude you receive in return, coupled with minimal or no office expense, and increased productivity, and a positive brand image can make you the most satisfied employer in the world.

At Worktually, we make things easier for you and your business by offering high-quality full-time remote workers. Visit our website or contact us today for customized customer support.

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