Why Are Remote Jobs So Difficult To Find? Tips For Getting One In 2023

January 20, 2023


Remote employment is no longer a trending topic. Remote work has a plethora of endless benefits. There are no commutes, crowded offices, or toxic office politics. The main advantage is flexibility; you can work when it’s convenient for you and your needs. However, despite these advantages, finding a good remote job is challenging. Many remote job seekers complain about their inability to locate well-paying positions or their lack of knowledge regarding the application process.

Thus, it is easy to become discouraged. Where are all the jobs, though, if there is such a high demand for remote work? Well, if you don’t have a plan in place, finding a remote job can be challenging. In this blog post, we will walk you through the reasons why it is so hard to get a remote job. Let’s get started!

Reason 1: Not Being Prepared For Remote Work

Let’s discuss whether remote jobs are the right choice for you before we get into the specifics of how to land one. Even though your job is off-site and away from commutes and face-to-face interactions, you still have to go to work. In reality, working remotely is just as hard as working in an office.

So, consider whether you are prepared for this transition. Will you have the drive to change your schedule and keep a work-life balance? Additionally, you must keep an eye on yourself when working remotely from home or any other location.

The most pleasing remote workers are devoted to their employment and take pleasure in their work. When you don’t enjoy what you do, your bed seems inviting. For whatever reason, most people tend to experience a sense of dread on Sunday nights. Analyze that feeling if you get it. If you hate working as an SEO expert, you’ll probably hate working as an SEO expert at home as well.

Reason 2: Not Looking For Jobs On Remote Specific Platforms

Once you’ve decided to work remotely, the next question is, “Where can I find a remote job?” People who are engaged in this venture start by sending in their resumes to well-known job-hunting websites. Is this a bad course of action? Is the competition on these websites too much? The answer is yes. Therefore, you must be in the lead if you want to be noticed.

Exploring other remote marketplaces and portals is a good option. This gives you an extensive spectrum to find a remote job. Another downside to using popular job-hunting websites is that most of them don’t have a good “remote job” filter, which could be time-consuming and discouraging. This is why it is better to rely on sites that offer remote job-specific opportunities.

Also Read: Employer’s Guide To Finding The Best Remote Workers

Reason 3: Poorly Vetted Job Offers

Something is likely neither good nor true if it seems too good to be true. These proverbial words still hold in the age of online job portals. For any business operating in any industry, finding the best candidates to fill an open position is crucial. Companies are prepared to devote a non-negligible portion of their HR budget to increase their chances and to do so more quickly and affordably.

Online job portals are on the rise as a result of this. But not all of them are made or run in the same way. Some job portals generate revenue from advertising, so the more positions they have listed on their website (regardless of the caliber of those positions), the more they can charge for the ad space.

Reason 4: Lack Of Adequate Preparation For The Remote Job Interview

For a remote position, you’ll have a video interview. It’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the various aspects of the interview if one is coming up so you can make sure you are ready. When conducting interviews online, pick a place that is quiet and distraction-free.

To avoid disturbing the interviewer, be sure to let anyone who resides in your home know when and where you’ll be having the interview. Additionally, make sure your video background isn’t distracting and that a lighting source is not behind it.

You can start by logging in 7-10 minutes before your interview to ensure that your audio and video are working properly. Furthermore, make sure that you smile and are confident. Keep eye contact with the interviewer and pay attention to everything they say.

About Worktually

Worktually provides a platform and a candidate pool for entrepreneurs, organizations, SMEs, and other types of businesses. We make it simple to find and hire committed remote workers. In a virtual setting, employers can find skilled and qualified candidates. We are committed to changing the way businesses hire employees and run their operations. Get in touch with us to learn more about Worktually.

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