Key Advantages Of Employing Remote Talent Via Worktually’s Platform

March 8, 2024

Key Advantages Of Employing Remote Talent Via Worktually's Platform

Remote work is not a new concept, but it has gained popularity and acceptance in recent years, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

More and more businesses are realizing the benefits of hiring remote workers, such as increased productivity, reduced costs, improved flexibility, and enhanced diversity.

According to a Statista poll conducted in January 2022, 36% of respondents were currently working fully remotely, 32% were working hybrid, and 32% were working in the office.

However, hiring remote workers is not without its challenges. Finding, screening, managing, and paying remote workers can be time-consuming, complicated, and risky.

How do you ensure that the remote workers you hire are qualified, reliable, and trustworthy? How do you communicate, collaborate, and monitor their performance? How do you handle payroll, taxes, and legal issues?

That is where Worktually comes in. It is the world’s premier remote hiring platform that simplifies and automates the entire process of hiring and managing remote workers.

It connects you with the best remote talent from around the world and provides you with a user-friendly and AI-powered platform to manage your remote team.

In this blog post, we will explore the top benefits of hiring remote workers through Worktually’s platform and how it can help you grow your business and achieve your goals.

Benefit #1: Save Time

One of the main benefits of hiring remote workers through Worktually’s platform is that it saves you a lot of time.

Time is a precious resource for any business, and hiring remote workers can be a lengthy and tedious process.

You have to post job ads, sift through resumes, conduct interviews, verify references, and negotiate contracts. This can take weeks or even months and distract you from your core business activities.

Worktually eliminates these hassles by providing you with a fast and easy way to hire remote workers. It uses cutting-edge AI technology to match you with the most suitable remote workers for your project based on your specific requirements and preferences.

You can browse through the profiles of the remote workers and select the ones you like. It also handles background checks, contracts, and agreements, so you don’t have to worry about the legal aspects.

With Worktually, you can hire remote workers in minutes and start working on your project immediately. This saves you a lot of time and allows you to focus on your core business functions.

Benefit #2: Save Money

Another benefit of hiring remote workers through Worktually’s platform is that it saves you a lot of money.

Money is another crucial resource for any business, and hiring remote workers can be cost-effective.

Hiring remote workers can help you reduce your overhead costs, such as office rent, utilities, equipment, travel, and training.

It can also help you optimize your payroll expenses, as you only pay for the completed hours or tasks, not idle time or benefits.

Worktually helps you save money by providing you with a cost-efficient way to hire remote workers.

Worktually offers competitive and transparent pricing, starting from as low as $4 per hour. Depending on your budget and needs, you can choose from different plans and packages.

It also takes care of the payroll, taxes, and invoices, so you don’t have to deal with the accounting and administrative issues.

With Worktually, you can hire remote workers at a fraction of the cost of hiring in-house or local workers and enjoy the same or better quality of work. This saves you a lot of money and increases your profitability and cash flow.

Benefit #3: Save Hassle

A third benefit of hiring remote workers through Worktually’s platform is that it saves you a lot of hassle. Hassle is another factor that can affect your business performance and satisfaction, and hiring remote workers can be a stressful and risky endeavour.

You have to deal with the challenges of communication, collaboration, and coordination with remote workers, who may be located in different time zones, cultures, and languages.

You also have to cope with the uncertainties and risks of hiring remote workers, such as reliability, security, and quality.

Worktually reduces these hassles by providing hassle-free ways to hire and manage remote workers. Worktually provides you with a user-friendly and AI-powered platform where you can communicate, collaborate, and monitor your remote workers in real-time.

You can chat, call, video conference, share files, assign tasks, track progress, and give feedback, all from one place.

It also ensures your remote workers’ security, confidentiality, and quality by using encryption, verification, and rating systems.

With Worktually, you can hire and manage remote workers with ease and confidence and avoid the stress and risks of hiring remote workers. This saves you a lot of hassle and enhances your productivity and satisfaction.

Benefit #4: Access Global Talent

A fourth benefit of hiring remote workers through Worktually’s platform is that it gives you access to a global pool of talent.

Talent is another key resource for any business, and hiring remote workers can help you find the best talent for your project, regardless of location.

Hiring remote workers can help you overcome the limitations of your local talent market, such as availability, quality, and diversity.

Hiring remote workers can also help you leverage the advantages of the global talent market, such as skills, experience, and innovation.

Worktually enables you to access global talent by providing you with a large and diverse network of remote workers from around the world.

It has a database of thousands of remote workers covering various fields and industries, such as software development, web design, customer service, marketing, and more.

Moreover, it also has a team of experts who can help you find the best remote workers for your project based on your specific needs and goals.

With Worktually, you can hire remote workers from any country, culture, and language and benefit from their unique perspectives, insights, and solutions. This gives you access to global talent and boosts your creativity and competitiveness.


Hiring remote workers can be a smart and strategic decision for your business, as it can help you save time, money, and hassle and access a global pool of talent.

However, hiring remote workers can also be challenging and complex, requiring skill, experience, and knowledge.

That is why you need Worktually, the world’s premier remote hiring platform, that simplifies and automates the entire process of hiring and managing remote workers.

It connects you with the best remote talent from around the world and provides you with a user-friendly and AI-powered platform to manage your remote team.

If you are ready to take your business to the next level and enjoy the benefits of hiring remote workers, sign up with Worktually today and discover the perfect fit for your team. Contact us today for more information.

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