Here’s How Remote Workers Save More Money

October 7, 2021

Here’s How Remote Workers Save More Money

After the pandemic hit the world, the dynamics of many things changed. Our lifestyles changed drastically, meeting people, going out, as well as the way we work. Organizations started work from home, and we became remote workers.

Many people adjusted to these new practices whereas a few struggled to grasp them. But with time people have adjusted to this new normal. According to a survey, 41% of remote workers don’t want to go back to the office. Working from home has become popular with remote work increasing in demand.

The benefits of working remotely are becoming more and more apparent. More and more people are choosing to work remotely. Working remotely has a lot of benefits for you and your company, it increases productivity and is less stressful. A study by Stanford University shows: remote workers perform 13% better than their in-office counterparts.

Apart from these benefits, the biggest advantage of remote work is that you save money. According to a study, remote workers can save more than $7000 annually. In this blog post, we will discuss the numerous ways by which remote workers save money.


The biggest advantage of remote working is that remote workers don’t have to go anywhere, they work from the comfort of their home. This saves them a lot of money on daily traveling. Studies show that an average commuter spends between $2,000 and $5,000 annually on commuting. This is a lot of money which you can save by working from home. From car maintenance to the daily expense of gas, remote workers save up on all this by working remotely.

Food And Drinks

Remote workers save money on food and drinks. Since they are at home they eat home-cooked meals and save money on eating out. They avoid daily Starbucks and coffee take out saving them a lot of money. According to a study an average worker spends $1000 per year on just coffee. Working from home means employees can provide for themselves and drastically reduce their expensive restaurant and cafe spending.

Professional Wardrobe

Many offices still require their employees to wear professional business attire. While there’s nothing wrong with a dress code, many employees update their wardrobe every year and frequently get them dry cleaned. Remote workers might only need professional attire during important meetings, enabling them to save on annual clothing purchases.

Child Care

The rising cost of child care has impacted parents. Working parents spend a lot of their income on babysitting. Since they are away they need someone to look after their kids. This cost them a lot of money. Remote workers work from home so they can keep an eye on their kids and save up a lot of money.

Remote Companies Save Money As Well

Not only do the employees save money by working from home but the company they work for as well. Companies save up a lot on utility bills, equipment, office supplies, and insurance. According to Global Workplace Analytics, remote employee companies save an estimated $11,000 a year.

About Worktually

Worktually recruits remote employees that work for employers around the world just like full-time employees. Hire remote workers; virtual assistants, customer support representatives, and sales representatives, based on your business needs. For more information, visit our website.

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