Is Employee Engagement Important For Remote Workers?

October 14, 2020

Is Employee Engagement Important For Remote Workers?

Amid countrywide lockdowns and socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, many businesses worldwide sought temporary remote solutions to prevent and mitigate financial losses. During this time, virtual resources proved beneficial and helped companies save nearly $11,000 a year, for each employee shifted to remote work status.

The virtual resources also helped connect the companies with their employees and provided constant coordination and communication. However, regardless of how many communication tools the businesses used, one problem that remained consistent throughout this working-from-home experience was the employer’s struggle to engage their remote employees effectively.

What exactly is employee engagement, and how do you know if you’re doing the right thing to keep your remote employees engaged?

Below we discuss what employee engagement means for remote workers and how you can use creative strategies to motivate and engage your remote employees.

What Is Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement is a workplace approach that includes creating the right circumstances for employees to feel connected and committed to their organization. Based on three key elements, communication, appreciation, and participation, if an employee feels disengaged from their firm, he’ll likely become demotivated to contribute to organizational success.

Employee engagement is a critical factor for corporations to succeed and surpass their competitors. Otherwise, turnover rates will significantly go up, causing irreparable damage to your company. The sense of detachment from the firm also hurts employees’ performance and productivity.

Why Is It Important For Remote Workers?

Keeping remote employees engaged is a crucial part of leading a remote team and is a lot harder than in-office engagement. While working from home, employees don’t usually have organic conversations with their colleagues over a cup of tea or break rooms. This can create feelings of isolation and loneliness in employees and lead to them feeling unhappy and unappreciated.

Here are our top picks to help you better engage with your remote employer.

Ways To Keep Your Remote Employees Engaged

1. Maintain Communication Through Virtual Meetings

Communication is the key to maintaining your company’s culture while making your virtual staff feel genuinely part of the team. But, we know sometimes it can feel forced and overwhelming. So, the employers will have to go the extra mile to achieve effective communication with their employees.

Many employers maintain regular contact with their remote teams through video calls, messaging, email, and online conferencing platforms. For example, consider doing a team project over a video conference instead of delegating tasks individually.

2. Plan Out Virtual And Casual Hangouts

You can hold virtual hangouts for non-work related conversations. There is always something that you want to share with your colleagues without feeling tensed and dreaded. If possible, also plan out casual hangouts to keep things related between you and your employees.

3. Promote Health And Well-being

Your employees’ health should be your top priority, because at the end of the day, their health and mental state will govern their performance at work. You can promote well-being by starting a fitness program for your team. You can also buy them 30 days of premium subscription available at different platforms that encourage healthy habits.

You can also provide your team with well-being incentives that they can use to take care of their health and mind. For example, you can offer them incentive travel once or twice a year.

4. Focus On Employee Recognition

Employee recognition has the most meaningful impact on employee engagement. If your workers go above and beyond on an assignment, it is your responsibility to appreciate them. You can schedule a team meeting and recognize their efforts. There is no sound reason not to acknowledge or value your employees’ great work, especially when most companies these days have access to advanced recognition tools. Ensure rewards, bonuses, and incentives to your best remote employees, so they don’t lose a sentimental connection to your company.

For more information on managing and engaging your remote employees, visit our website, or contact us at 1-844-947-4473.

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