Patch 2.1.7 Release Announcement For Employee

October 10, 2022


Patch 2.1.7 Release Announcement

To bring talented candidates a step closer to their dream remote jobs, we have improved the job-seeking process by eradicating the need to provide payment details in the initial hiring phase and improving email security by implementing OTP requirements. Furthermore, we have fixed the bug related to candidates’ inability to accept interview requests and self-approval of rescheduling requests.

Maximized Payment Details Confidentiality

We have eliminated the need for adding payment methods during the initial hiring process. As a candidate, you do not have to add your payment details until and unless you become eligible for your first payment. You will only change your wallet settings once payment becomes due to you.

OTP Security Layer For Email Changes

Every email change will necessitate a One-Time-Password (sent to their emails) verification from the employee in order to prevent the use of fictitious email addresses and deter email-related scams.

Bug Fixes

  • Our team of developers has discarded the bug related to interview request acceptance and made the process easier and smoother.
  • Employees who requested the postponement of an event had the option of accepting or declining the request. Now, though, this privilege exclusively belongs to the request’s recipient.

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