3 Things You Need To Be A Successful Remote Worker

November 4, 2020

3 Things You Need To Be A Successful Remote Worker

The way businesses operate in the 21st century has changed drastically. And while most employees, a whopping 91% of them, feel that they can get more work done when working from home, remote employees have to set themselves up for success with better organizational skills and a productive work environment. Remote workers who want to move ahead with their careers need even more focus to stay as productive as possible.

So, as the workplace becomes more and more remote-friendly, how do remote workers ensure they have what it takes to become successful? Read on to learn about Worktually’s top tips to help keep your remote employees productive, focused, and way more successful in their new workplace setting.

Time Management Systems

Remote working seems incredibly comfortable, but it is not without its challenges. A remote employee must continuously battle his urges of getting carried away by distractions that are incredibly hard to avoid. But, this is where time management systems come into play.

Although developing good habits and changing your environment can help you stay focused too, sometimes, all it takes to get you out of your work chair is a simple scroll on Facebook. So, while self-discipline is undoubtedly the most challenging part of remote work, organizing your time and eliminating distractions is doable with time management systems.

These systems, such as Time Doctor, Tick, and Hubstaff, can help you stay productive and block your distractions much more effectively. Employers can also use these tools to observe the activities and screen time of their employees.

Networking Opportunities

When working remotely, employees often start to feel they are working independently and don’t share a common goal with anyone else. This is a huge setback an employee can suffer during his career. When working in an organization, employees must have people that support their goals and second their opinions. This helps them to move along with their careers.

Therefore, to become successful, a remote worker must not lose networking opportunities and make the intentional efforts to connect with his colleagues. Regular communication, and more video interfacing than emails and messaging, can help employees build a successful network. Companies can also play their part in keeping all their employees engaged and connected.


Advanced technology and inventions of new tools have made remote working plausible, popular, and productive. But while it is one reason why employers feel comfortable shifting their workforce to a remote model, it can be challenging for some to master. Therefore, when striving for a successful career in the remote workplace model, you must know how to handle technology.

The right tools and computation skills can help remote workers maintain their workflow and accomplish tasks that otherwise would have been impossible to achieve. Online networking tools, productivity management tools, online work, and more are essential parts of a remote workplace. Technology also presents itself with glitches and mishaps, so knowing how to troubleshoot it can help you stay focused on your work.

Employers and managers who also know how to use technology effectively can make remote work more manageable and easier for employees. Familiarity with tools, software, and communication platforms is a win-win for everyone in the remote workplace setting.

About Worktually

Worktually understands that remote working can be challenging for most people. However, with the right resources, remote employees can work productively and without hurdles. At Worktually, we provide ample resources that ensure our employees give their best and produce the most desirable results.

For more information, visit our website www.worktually.com, or contact us at 1-855-565-WORK (9675).

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